Monday, October 7, 2024

A Month of Celebrations

October is a month of celebrations. 

It's the month I joined the MIG team,

The month I became a Mom, 

and it's the month I married the love of my life. 

This month I am fortunate that I get to celebrate commitment, dedication, honesty, hope, growth, health, faith, joy and my favorite, love. 

11 years serving others, growing my marketing and design skills, growing in leadership and relationships with people I happily call my team. I read a saying the other day about make sure you work with good people then going to work is good too. My Grandpa always said, do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life. Some people are so wise. I find both things equally true. Not every day is perfect but, I do work with good people and I do love the work I do. 

Edee turned 12 on the 2nd. A friend reminded me on her birthday that the day is important for me too because it's the day I became a Mom. We celebrated in so many fun ways for her but I celebrated too. Seeing her happy, healthy and loving life is the best gift I could receive every year. 

And last, but not least, my wedding anniversary, which just happens to be today. Today we celebrate 13 years since we tied the knot, made the choice of a lifetime and said I do. I look back at our year together and remember times we laughed, times we cried, days we traveled far and days we stayed home, nights we were together and night we were apart. I know we had arguments, I can't event tell you what about. I know we had happiness and joy and love. I can tell you what that's about because I felt it through the days and still feel it now. 

Now you can see why October is my favorite month! It's a time of celebrations for so many beautiful reasons. 

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Happy 12th Birthday, Bug!

 August 8th, 2024 

I decided to start your birthday post early because leaving one week to sum up a year of you is really difficult. You're eccentric, what can I say.

Meeting Charlie the Parrot at Lake Schnepaho 

I was just recalling shopping downtown Grand Haven. We wandered around this small boutique store, I was looking at jewelry in the back of the store and you were apparently making best friends with the owner (when did being apart from each other in stores happen anyways??) as you were going on and on with her about Touch Land Hand Sanitizer. When we checked out the cashier said, 'When you are old enough and start looking for a job, I have a spot right here for you.' Your knowledge and ability to connect with people is so cool! I admire this in you. 

Selling Bracelets at Coast Guard Parade

You just returned from 7 days with Grandma. I missed you with my whole heart but only told you once because I wanted you to make it the full week and I knew if I told you just how much I missed you, you'd come rushing home. It took years, but it seems like just days, for you to go from no sleepovers to a week away from us. 

First Day of School Selfie

September 11th, 2024

Yesterday we went to your 6th grade orientation to meet your teachers and learn about what to expect this year. Before we left, you quickly grabbed the bracelet you made for your home room teacher who, you bonded with very well. You wrote her a little note and packed it with stickers and candy. You see, you had a hard time at lunch today and your teacher let you sit in her classroom for lunch recess. Then, your teacher listened when you talked about having a hard time with a friend. It meant so much to you that you gave your teacher a handmade gift. 

You have such a big heart at 12 years old. I am so proud of your big heart and how you show love and give love to people. 

First Day of 6th Grade

Also, it's worth documenting that making clay bead bracelets and now "candy" bead bracelets have been your jam for a solid year now. Your creations continue to amaze me.

Dave & Busters in Tennessee

S'mores in Copper Harbor

September 27th, 2024

You're counting down the days until your birthday and asking for all kinds of presents and reminding me of this plushy, and that kind of string for bracelets. You can't wait to go to Lewis Farms and I can't wait to spend the day with you.

Running at Ottawa Sands Park

October 1st, 2024

12 years ago today my water broke, right on schedule. I was so scared and so excited to meet you. When I think about being your Mom in these upcoming tween years those same feelings are still there. Yes, I am scared but I am more excited than anything to see you become a young woman. One thing that hasn't changed is my love for you.

Happy Birthday, sweet girl! 

Monday, September 16, 2024

I Love You The Most

13 years ago today I took this photo and posted it to social media. One of the many reasons I love social media is the memories that I shared, but that's a story for another day. 

Today I just want to reflect on us. 13 years ago you were off to your Bachelor party, I stayed behind praying you'd be safe. (Your friends can get wild.) I stayed behind and somewhere deep down I knew you'd be loyal. I love these things, yes both of these things, about you; your loyalty and your wild side. 

Even if you go poop when I'm taking a shower, grab my butt a lot, and are really loud on the phone. Even if your mountain bike accidents scare the living daylights out of me, even if you find my yarn collect annoying...

Because honestly, I love all these things about you, too. Just like our wedding vows, you still make me a better person. You have taught me so many things about life, trust, happiness, myself and more things than I can probably list. 

It's so awesome, how we're still doing this life thing together. I am so lucky to be able to reflect on the moments we've shared whether online or between just the two of us. 

In less than a month we get to celebrate 13 years of commitment, loyalty, growth, life and love together and that's so amazing to me.

I'll always remember the feeling of being your fiancĂ©. I'll always remember how head-over-heels in love with you I was because today, I still am. I love you the most. 


Monday, October 2, 2023

11 Things on Your 11th Birthday

Happy Birthday, sweet girl! Today you're 11! This day jumped out right in front of me and took me by surprise. I'm not really sure how eleven years flew by but, here it is. Here you are! 11 years old!

To look at your beautiful face as it's changed has been an incredible experience. Watching you learn and grow is a gift you've given me every single day. Summing you up into 11 things may not be easy but, I'm going to try.

1. So freaking creative

Your creativity continues to shine through in all you do. This year you found a love for paper puppet dragons, YouTube short videos and painted masks. You continue to draw and write stories, sometimes in collaboration with your friend, Olivia.

2. Soaring through 5th grade

You are acing your tests and school work so far this year. After watching you struggle in 4th grade, then push yourself for major growth it's been awesome to see you ease into 5th grade! You think you have this grade handled and asked us to move up a grade because it's so easy.


3. Growing Friendships

Your ability to make friends has grown a lot in the last year. Gone are the days of being scared of talking to a complete stranger. You met your BFF, Maddi at the pool this Summer and have been inseparable since. You also met Olivia at writing club and had a sleepover with each of them. It makes my heart so happy you've found friends that fit your personality just right.

4. Singing

Still, you're not afraid to belt out a song at the top of your lungs. You still ask to turn up the radio every time a good song comes on and catch onto the lyrics easily. I'm still not sure if you're on key but, you chose choir for your music elective so I'm sure you're voice is about to grow even more.

5. Born Leader

Your preschool teacher called you a born leader and that's still true today. You love to take the lead and struggle when you have to follow. We're working on that.


6. Sensitive side

Even though you have confidence and determination, you still have a sensitive side. Your tears, few and far between, still break my heart. You're still so much like your Daddy and so much like me. 

7. Boba Tea

Your love for Boba Tea, always watermelon milk tea with no ice and passion fruit popping pearls (a rather tall order, if you ask me) is your favorite. I might even say you're obsessed.


8. Cats...correction, Therian.

To be honest, I think this new love for dressing up and acting like a cat is weird but aren't we all a little weird? And still, I love watching you play pretend. I just hope walking on all fours doesn't mess up your body.


9. Little, yet big entrepreneur

This year you made over 100 clay beads bracelets and set up a booth at Merchants & Makers. At the end of the show you put money into savings and some back into your business. Watching you sell your creations has always brought me joy. This experience was beyond that! I am so incredibly proud of you for sharing your creativity with the world.


10. Bedtime passionate chats

I'm still trying to figure out what it is about night time that brings all the deep thoughts out of you. You tell me the bad things and your worries, you ask me deep questions about purpose and if the planet will die. I decided to write all these things down so we can talk about them when we're not so tired.

11. Miss Personality

You have a big big personality! People love it, family and strangers a like and 99.9% of  the time I love it, too. As you grow it grows and your understanding of the fine line of being respectful and not too wild comes into focus. You keep me on my toes, striving to be the best Mom I can be for you.


Happy Birthday, Edee!!

I love you with all my heart,


Friday, October 21, 2022

Early Morning Thoughts

Sometimes I just want to share my thoughts with the world, just sometimes. These are a collection of my random thoughts in the morning that I had throughout the week.

I need to always remember how much I enjoy the buzz I feel after a yoga session. It's wonderful.

It's lotion season...already.

Words of Affirmation go a long way in any relationship. Boss to employee, coach to player, parent to child, between significant others. 

I can't believe a box of cereal is $4.99. 

And eggs $3.50/ dozen! 

It's Day 7 of our be active every day challenge. Ryan and I have a friendly competition to see who can be active the most days in a row. Who do you think will win?

I bought these socks on Prime Day and love them! 

Why don't they make Yellow Out anymore? And why can't I get stains out of whites like my Mom does. 

Our new hair routine with Edee has lost it's appeal. Send help.

The Fall colors are incredible. Every year it's like a brand new thing. Like I'm seeing it for the first time.

I want to read an entire printed book before the end of the year. I've listened to 15 audiobooks this year and I am ready to challenge myself to read an actual printed book. 

That's all for now! Keep Loving!
- Karlee

Friday, October 7, 2022

7 Things on The 7th of October

 1. 11 years

Today I celebrate 11 years of marriage to my man. 11! Last week I was shocked that E is 10 and now I am shocked all over again that it's already been 11 years since we said I do. The way time seems to disappear makes me want to hold on to every single moment that much tighter. This year we plan to celebrate with dinner together; simple and just what we love: time together. 

2. Curly Hair

We had a break through with Edee's hair that feels revolutionary! After my sister recommended using some sort of product for curly hair I turned to my curly haired friend and asked her for recommendations. Introducing Cake the The Curl Friend, some very useful tips on how to manage curly hair (something I've never had to do) and ta da! No more fights, yelling or upset child. I was excited to find the hair product on sale at Rite Aid, which was cheaper than Amazon's price. Woohoo! I also grabbed some mousse and my curly haired friend gave us leave in conditioner. E is going to be all set.

3. Ugly Love

I just finished my 14th book of the year - Ugly Love by Colleen Hoover. Yes, I am a fan! I just added this book to my top 5 favorites list! I highly recommend the book. I read it in less than a week, which is a new record for me. Most of the time I am the caboose in my Book Club, finishing the book last but this book, which I read outside of the club with a friend (my curly haired friend in fact) was so good; the words, the descriptions, the story line, the ending - all of it. I finished it in less than a week.

4.  Speaking of book club...

I love love love my book club or as we call it The Mama's Reading Club. I enjoy the chatter about books, the food we share, our discussions and also catching up with the ladies on life stuff. I also really like that some of us are reading even more books than we ever have before. The more we read, the more we want to read. It's amazing! 

5. My Crochet World

I am currently on a yarn buying hiatus. I have limited myself to using only the yarn I have. I say 'limited' but honestly, it's been rather inspiring and freeing to choose from the colors and weights I have at home. Plus, I am saving money. During this hiatus I have found a love for creating book cozies. Each one turns out different, which makes them one of a kind! It's so much fun selecting each color, crocheting them together and watching the cozy come to life. I think in some ways it's an art form.

6. Work-a-versary

Yesterday I celebrated 9 years at Michigan Insurance Group & Strategic Consulting with my team. We had Panera (still my favorite) but today is my official anniversary. Again, looking back, time seems to disappear. I am enjoying my job still, probably because every day is new. Learning new things about myself, the team and the industries. It keeps things interesting and I am never bored! 

7. October

October is my favorite month. It's full of celebrations, if you couldn't tell! And change. The biggest change is the seasons. My drive to work is changed because of the rainbow of colors along the highway. The yellows, oranges and reds are glorious and at 5:00 the colors beam. It's truly a sight to see. Anniversaries and birthdays are reminders to reflect on how far we've come, how much we've grown. It is a perfect reminder of how lucky we are to have what we have.  

Sunday, October 2, 2022

10 Things On Your 10th Birthday

Wow! You are 10 years old today! Double digits! Even though you've been counting down the days and reminding me for months it still surprises me. Since the day you were born, the very first time I looked at your sweet little face, till now seems to have flown by. Loving you has been the grandest adventure of my life. Here's 10 things to remember for your 10th Birthday:

1. How we celebrated you turning 10: Class treats on Friday, Sky Zone on Saturday with your friend Graeden, Grammie Diane, Aunt Kacey, Lucy and Lowen. What a blast! And Sunday a hot cocoa bar and gifts with Mia and Penny!

2. What you wished for: Time with friends, squishmellows, dragons and a Rainbow High Doll Mansion (Thankfully, that last one was on sale!)

About you today:

3. You are determined, sometimes feisty, energetic and always creative. (We are working on that 2nd one.)

4. You love music (still). You know every lyric to your favorite songs which are anything by Harry Styles. You also have Higher Love by Whitney Houston, Sunshine by One Republic, Everybody by The Backstreet Boys and a few others on replay. We call you DJ Edee because you typically choose the music any time we are in the car.

5. You like youtube books and continue to enjoy graphic novels. You are warming up to chapter books with few pictures and we are slowly reading Mr. Poppers Penguins as a family. 

6. You still love dancing in the living room and still do not want to join dance classes. 

7. You love swimming more than any other sport. You tried the recess soccer team but said, I don't really like it. We plan to sign you up for swim team in November! 

8. You love telling jokes, funny challenges and sharing interesting facts that aren't always true so we research them together. 

9. You still have a huge heart for pets. You love axolotls and kittens the most but recently started liking snakes...

10. Your friends are Ella and Graeden, Emma and Aria who we are so lucky to live close too. You girls love selling things and playing in the woods.

You are growing and learning so quickly it amazes me you can store the information in your beautiful head. You are my greatest treasure! 

Daddy and I can't wait to see what this year brings for you. Happy Birthday sweet girl! I love you as much as all the stars in the sky.