"Me" perspective

One of my favorite books, How to become a famous writer before youre dead, written by Ariel Gore, lead me to do some exploratory writing activities. I not only thoroughly enjoy this book but I was surprised at how much I enjoyed the activities and the results. There for I decided to include them as part of my blog. The results are what follows:

I. The author tells her audience to: Write. Just do it. Write anything. It's better than nothing.
This right here works wonders! Since I first came across that statement I have written more than I thought I ever would. There are days I am very unsure on what to write. I ponder if I should write at all. Then I remember this statement and the purpose of my writings: to tell our story. And then...I just write. 
There may not be as many people reading my writings as I'd like but this is JUST the BEGINNING. I have a long way to go. And I know I will get there someday.

II. The second activity I came across instructed to: List everything that makes you unfit for literary glory. AKA brand yourself. What makes you different?

I came up with a lot of strange things. But as a whole they definitely depict who I am.

I'm average. Okay, not really. What is average anyways? I've been skinny my entire life. I've been 115 pounds for 7 years. My hair is a boring shade of brown and unless I spend money (which I don't have) on getting added highlights or low lights it's nothing exciting. I don't wear make up because I do not need it. I say this because that's what everyone else tells me on a daily basis. Seriously.
I don't play sports and never did. I'm challenged in that area. I do like exercise though. Running, walking and biking I can handle.
Some days I feel like 5 years spent getting a degree was a waste of time. But, as long as I use my skills and my knowledge most days I feel proud of my accomplishments. 

I imagine I had a great childhood. If I didn't I can't remember because I have a hard time remembering bad experiences anyways (I block them out). And also all the photographs of me when I was younger are just so magical and happy. My parents did an excellent job raising me and my 5 siblings. All though I can't imagine they believe that themselves as some of my siblings have chosen the rather beaten road of life. Either way, my parents are more than great parents. I'm one of those daughters that wishes she could win 1 million dollars and give it to her Mom and Dad to repay them for everything they've done.

I probably wouldn't be a good writer because I'm sensative, I care to much and I'm to organized and picky. I cry when I'm sad and jump up and down when I'm excited. All while clapping my hands and laughing real loud.

I worry to much. Which, I swear, was passed down from my Mom. I think its hereditary or something. We worry about anything and everything one could worry about.

Extrovert, that's me. Sensor, thats me. Feeler, judger, both me. There for I am a state my feelings and feel others feelings often person. Yup, sounds just about right to me.

I don't read much. If I am lucky enough to find a book I can focus on it will be by Nora Roberts or Nicholas Sparks (if I feel like a good cry). Now that I think about it I was pretty lucky to find interest in the book that lead me to do these activities. I can't remember the titles of other books I've read. But I promise you, the list is not long.
Even though I do not read much I do value the books I have read as they were all great novels. They held my attention, which is sometimes difficult to do. My thoughts tend to wonder when I read. But REALLY good books leave no room for wondering thoughts.

It is important to me that my writings, whatever it may be, holds the readers attention and leave no room for wondering thoughts.

That's a bit about me. I intend to continue exercising my mind with activities such as these as I continue on the path to becoming a famous writer.

1 comment:

  1. Karlee! I just discovered your blog!!! I LOVE it!!! I love blogging too but it is a private blog! :-D I have been through your whole blog just about because I love reading your stuff!!! You will be a famous writer in no time!!!!
