Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Happy 12th Birthday, Bug!

 August 8th, 2024 

I decided to start your birthday post early because leaving one week to sum up a year of you is really difficult. You're eccentric, what can I say.

Meeting Charlie the Parrot at Lake Schnepaho 

I was just recalling shopping downtown Grand Haven. We wandered around this small boutique store, I was looking at jewelry in the back of the store and you were apparently making best friends with the owner (when did being apart from each other in stores happen anyways??) as you were going on and on with her about Touch Land Hand Sanitizer. When we checked out the cashier said, 'When you are old enough and start looking for a job, I have a spot right here for you.' Your knowledge and ability to connect with people is so cool! I admire this in you. 

Selling Bracelets at Coast Guard Parade

You just returned from 7 days with Grandma. I missed you with my whole heart but only told you once because I wanted you to make it the full week and I knew if I told you just how much I missed you, you'd come rushing home. It took years, but it seems like just days, for you to go from no sleepovers to a week away from us. 

First Day of School Selfie

September 11th, 2024

Yesterday we went to your 6th grade orientation to meet your teachers and learn about what to expect this year. Before we left, you quickly grabbed the bracelet you made for your home room teacher who, you bonded with very well. You wrote her a little note and packed it with stickers and candy. You see, you had a hard time at lunch today and your teacher let you sit in her classroom for lunch recess. Then, your teacher listened when you talked about having a hard time with a friend. It meant so much to you that you gave your teacher a handmade gift. 

You have such a big heart at 12 years old. I am so proud of your big heart and how you show love and give love to people. 

First Day of 6th Grade

Also, it's worth documenting that making clay bead bracelets and now "candy" bead bracelets have been your jam for a solid year now. Your creations continue to amaze me.

Dave & Busters in Tennessee

S'mores in Copper Harbor

September 27th, 2024

You're counting down the days until your birthday and asking for all kinds of presents and reminding me of this plushy, and that kind of string for bracelets. You can't wait to go to Lewis Farms and I can't wait to spend the day with you.

Running at Ottawa Sands Park

October 1st, 2024

12 years ago today my water broke, right on schedule. I was so scared and so excited to meet you. When I think about being your Mom in these upcoming tween years those same feelings are still there. Yes, I am scared but I am more excited than anything to see you become a young woman. One thing that hasn't changed is my love for you.

Happy Birthday, sweet girl! 

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