Thursday, April 21, 2022

A New Space to Grow


I was given a new office today, a new space to call my own. It's a sky blue and it's quiet and bright and beautiful! I am so excited for my new space.

As we grow, things shift to make room for more; more people, more opportunities, more possibilities.

With these welcome changes I find myself looking back at the year and realize how much I learned and how much I gained on the journey to where I sit now. I am grateful to realize the importance of that journey.

All though we are told, "Don't look back, you're not going that way." I also know the benefits of reflecting on what's passed. I've been given the encouragement: it's good to reflect if it leads to good. And that's what it did for me today.

This shift from one journey to the next is something I have been waiting and praying for, a shift I've been anticipating and have had my sights set on for quite some time.

The year long journey wasn't easy. Actually, some days were down right hard. Without my team, weekends, throw a mental health day in there, encouragement and perseverance it would've been much harder.

I will never forget the tough moments, the happy moments, fun days, laughter, happy hours, conversations with my team, and coffee chats.

This journey has shaped me, as I can imagine, most journeys do.

I realize today how important it is to pause. Reflecting on the journey, seeing the turn in the road, and starting on a new path is so important.

Without the journey what would you miss out on?

As you are rushing towards your next goal, the next celebration, the next big thing make sure you pause and remember to enjoy the journey.

Keep loving, 


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