This morning she came into the kitchen with her curly mess of hair and sleepy eyes, wrapped her arms around me to say 'Good Morning' and I realized I don't bend over anymore to hug her. My eyes fill with tears writing this. When did her legs grow so tall, when did her face thin? When did she become a big kid?
They say, life happens when you're planning for it. It's true. There are few moments I stop to revel in the moments happening right in front of me, always rushing to do the next thing on my to-do list. My word this year was/is 'worthy' but it should've be 'intentional'. In all things, I am learning to be more intentional, especially with my time and my words.
At 9 years old, E is content in her bunk bed, playing MineCraft or Adopt Me and catching up on her favorite YouTube videos. Both of which we keep a close eye on. She loves these 3 things more than candy. Okay, maybe not more than candy.
This year we allowed her to get a (private) YouTube channel. After waiting patiently she finally has a YouTube Channel with 13 followers and a whopping 4 videos. It's pretty darn cute, though. This girl, with her big big dreams will make something of it, someday. I am sure of it.
E is still determined as she was at age 2. She is finding her way through being sensitive - another thing we are intentional with her. She is also so funny and animated. When she is ready to talk she just keeps talking and has all the stories to tell. But, be careful. She also loves telling jokes and stretching the truth just to get you to question if it's true or not.
She has a big heart and still loves cats as much as she did at age 4. Do you recall the stuffed animal kitten with the little body and big tail? The only thing that's changed is that she loves her real live cat now.
Oh! And she loves reading. A major change from the last several years. My patience paid off! I never forced books on her, even though I worried a lot about her falling behind. She didn't. What she did instead was find her own way to enjoying books. She's really great at reading, too! Last week she picked out a Harry Potter book at the school library. We made it through 5 pages as a family but she checked it out for the second time so I know we will get through a few more pages before it's due.
I am so incredibly proud of my little girl. Every year, I say this and it's still true, I can't wait to see where her determination, passion and creativity leads her.
Happy 9th year, Edee!
Love always,
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