Thursday, October 19, 2017

If You Could Have One Super Power What Would It Be?

We were all in the living room, flopped out on the floor and couch relaxing and having lazy chats about super heroes and their powers. R asked us "If you could have one super power what would it be?"

While doing the dishes tonight I realized I prematurely blurted out “super speed.” It seemed to make sense in the moment considering I love the super hero Flash but as I put clean dishes away and loaded dirty dishes into the dishwasher I pondered that super hero thing. Here is what I realized:

Good thing R fixed the dryer and the washer’s spin cycle decided to work tonight because we’re all wearing our last pairs of clean underwear. Being caught up on laundry a week, maybe two weeks ago feels so far away and was such a victory; a short lived victory.

How did I memorize the sippy cups, to-go mugs and numerous other drink containers that aren’t dishwasher safe?

I think finally adapted to the life of a Kindergartner. Tuesday is gym. Make sure she wears tennis shoes because she slipped and fell running in dressy shoes. Wednesday she has Library & Book Buddies so make sure to put her library book in her back pack. Friday is Show & Tell and after seeing her sad little face the one Friday I forgot to have her pick a show & tell I’ll never forget that again. On second thought, I’ll set an alarm.

Teacher conferences are right around the corner so time to line up sitters and figure that out.

Say your prayers and thank God for your partner sitting next to you that you split all of these things with.

Feed the cat and feed the beta fish before he goes belly up from starvation. Don’t forget to feed yourself too.

Clean out the fridge, take out the bathroom garbage, check the mail because the mailman probably can’t fit another peice of mail in the box.

Water the plants at home and at work. They clean the air you know? Gosh I’m glad gardening season is just that; a season.

Check in with all 7 family members especially the one that’s miles away. When can I go visit Mom and Dad again? What about Grandma and Grandpa?

I have M this weekend but R works so what fun stuff can I do with our tween?

Make time for a date night with your hubby as long as it’s in the budget.

Make time for yourself.

Then, throw in this thing called a hobby that I love just as much as all things so I make time for that too. Because doing something I love helps me love my family and my job better.

After thinking all of those thoughts I realize the kitchen was suddenly clean and I realize I feel pretty good that I still accomplished a house chore even though I currently feel like I am losing a battle with a head cold. 

I also realize I’ve decided being a mother and a wife and working full time is my super power.

That’s the best one there is.

Keep Loving.

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