Saturday, October 15, 2016

A simple gesture

I just returned home from spending 3 hours relaxing at M's indoor softball practice, which is something R usually does with her. Today it just worked out for me to take her. I'm so glad I did. This is why...

While I was there I added a few rows to my crochet project and mostly kept to myself. I felt a little out of place. A few people looked at me with a "who are you" expression on their faces. So I didn't say much to the other mom's waiting for their girls to finish practice. Not until one lady sat down next to me and politely asked if she was taking up my project space. Of course she wasn't and by no means was my project more important that I would let it take up space. 

Right before she asked me if she could sit I had been searching for my favorite crochet hook that I misplaced a few minutes prior so I told her what happened. She didn't hesitate a second and started to help me search for it. As we searched I told her it was a hook my Mom gave me, my favorite hook. Just then another lady jumped up and said "a fresh pair of eyes might help." She dug through my bag, looked in the hallway and then both ladies started digging through the couch. The second lady that offered to help said "I do upholstery so I know how far down into the couch it could go." I stepped back and the ladies tipped the couch and we heard the hook clank. 

The hook hadn't even appeared yet and I was already excited. My heart had started pounding when I couldn't find it and my face warmed when the ladies offered to help. I'm not sure why but I felt slightly overwhelmed and center of attention. I realize now I have become rather fond of the blue dinged up, hand-me-down, hook I learned to crochet on.

Once the couch was tipped forward crumbs, a nickel, candy wrappers and my hook came tumbling out. We all laughed and I thanked both ladies several times.

We all sat down again and I had a wonderful conversation with the lady sharing the couch with me. We talked about the softball team, our husbands who are both skilled at learning how to fix things via YouTube, our brothers who are both in the field of aviation and airplanes (ironic I know)! We just talked about life. 

It was refreshing and very enjoyable to find things in common with someone that I only met a few minutes ago. 

Before I knew it an hour had paced and M's. practice had finished. 

As I reflect now on such a simple conversation and gesture I realize these things really touched my heart today. There are too many things in the world that are hurtful and just plain wrong. The world needs more ladies like the two I shared a couch with today. 

I left the M's practice with a smile on my face, a happy heart and my favorite crochet hook. 

Keep loving.

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