Thursday, October 27, 2016

Ode to Jack

You and Sue were my favorite people from my waitressing days in Pentwater.

I know my face always lit up with excitement every morning you sat down at the corner table.

I remember the exact feeling of being your server: special. You made me feel special. 

I don't know what I did to deserve the love, attention and generously you showed me but it forever changed me. 

I didn't know much about you. I heard stories that your late best friend had asked you to be with his wife and love her after he was gone. And you did. I'm not sure if it true but it still seems like a fairy tale story to me. This story speaks volumes of the person you were. All though I'm sure it was an easy job. She is a beautiful person inside and out. 

I'll always remember the serious look on your face when I asked you what you do for work and you told me you're in the mafia. That's the story you stuck with, even if it was followed with a joking grin. So I still believe you had some secret connection to the mafia. Mom even joked with me recently that Jack could probably grant my husbands wish of more time off because, "he's in the mafia."

You sir, are already missed.  

Even though the simplest thing I did for you was memorize your favorite breakfast of homemade granola and milk my memories of you and Sue are so much more. I hope that you looked forward to breakfast at the cafe as much as I looked forward to bringing it to you. 

I know there are grandkids and siblings and your beloved moarning your absence today and every day. The fact that your server is too shows the kind hearted person you were.

I'll always remember your face, your jokes and generosity. Rest in peace, Jack. 

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