You turn 4 today. Four. As many times as I've told you and every one else, and as many times as I've said it my head I am still finding it hard to believe that you're 4 today. I can't believe how much you're beautiful face has changed, how much you've learned and grown this year.
You're sassy and sweet, goofy and determined. You remind me of your big sister and of all the stories I've been told of who your Dada was when he was little and how I was as a kid and even who we are now. You are a lot like both of us.
You can be sensitive like your Mama or strong and confident like your Daddy. When you've made up your mind that's all there is too it. On the other hand, when some one hurts you're feelings your world is crumbling and the tears don't stop falling down your pretty little cheeks.
You are hyper, silly and love to laugh just like M. And like her you bounce back from getting hurt or scoulded so quick.
E, you surprise us every day with the things you do and say. There was a day this last Summer you walked out the front door without saying a word to anyone. When we found you outside you said "I'm going to my neighbors," which you must have thought was a great idea because that's all that mattered to you.
You surprise me when out of the blue you say "I love you." Sometimes I wonder if you know at these times it's something I really need to hear or if you just feel the love and have to express yourself.
I love when you repeat what big people say, as long as it's not a bad word. You're little voice saying such big words always makes me laugh.
You asked for a rainbow bright birthday this year and that's exactly what you got. You love My Little Pony and Shopkins and have to watch them on YouTube every day.
You bring so much excitement and spunk to our family. My life would be pretty boring without you in it.
Happy Birthday baby girl! Mama loves you so much.
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