Monday, September 19, 2016

Dark sky

Was anyone else completely thrown off by the dark sky this morning? I sure was. My morning went something like this:

E came running into my bedroom this morning and it was so dark. I figured it was around 2AM because that's her usual time to wake up and go potty. Her bed is usually wet from already going so she climbs in with R and I. I hate looking at the time because then I know how much more sleep I can get but I did anyways: 3AM. After allowing her to knee me, foot me and elbow me for what seemed like forever I decided enough was enough back to bed you go. It was still so dark outside. Checked the clock: 5AM. Weird. Oh well I thought to myself. I've got another hour of sleep left. (Victory!) 

I still had an unusually difficult time pulling myself out of bed when my alarm clock went off an hour later. There wasn't a sliver of light showing over the tree line. Just dark sky. 

R also found it unusually dark so of course I start to wonder: did we miss something? Did the whole world know it was daylight savings time except us? No,  that's not right. Facebook didn't say anything. In fact no one on Facebook said anything. I almost restarted my phone thinking maybe it would correct the time. I was so lost...if you couldn't tell.

At this point I've dressed and done my make up and was making lunches. This was a huge internal yet silly debate I was having while slicing cheese for our sandwiches. 

Part of me secretly wishd it was daylight savings so I could crawl back into my warm bed and sleep longer. Kind of like an adult version of a snow day. 

So I admit I broke down and had to consult the expert Google about daylight savings time and put these suspicions to rest. I'm sure you can all guess what I found. 

Nice trick, Earth. ;) 

PS. Daylight savings time is on November 6th.

PSS. The Autumn Equinox is September 22nd. Day and night will be exactly the same length. 

Keep loving. 

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