Sunday, June 26, 2016

Who knew I'd get so sappy over a dog.

When my mom called to ask me if Oscar, my brother's Boston Terrier, could live with us for a couple months the answer was without out a doubt, yes. I didn't stop to think about the amount of emotions I would feel for this infinitely sad faced dog.

First, I have to tell those that may not know, my brother is in the Air Force and had to leave Oscar with my parents. Makes enough sense, right? After a period of time Oscar and my Dad have become inseparable, much like the first Boston Terrier that spent 14 years building memories with my family....So, long story short my parents needed a place for him to stay and that's why this four legged friend will live with us for a few months.

My nephew Garison seeing how close
he can get before Oscar licks his nose.

I never realized how emotional I would get over inheriting my brother's dog but here I sit a puddle of tears as Oscar finally ate food for the first time in 12 hours. I sat on the kitchen floor feeding him small bits of Purina out of the palm of  my hand and I couldn't help but cry. I'm really happy and really sad all at once. Happy that he finally ate food because that's step one to knowing he's okay here but sad that he's not where he wants to be, with who he wants to be with and who wants to be with him can't be. 

Who knew I'd get so sappy over a dog. I'm not the first person to let a dog lick me, let alone eat from my hand. I'm not the first person to pet a dog and here I am sitting on the porch petting Oscar and talking to him about going for walks and whatever comes to mind. He's made me even more of a sap and turned me into a pet person too. 

I have a strong feeling saying good bye after his stay will be just as hard as today. 

Future pet lover.

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