Tuesday, October 27, 2015

I'm cool too.

My daycare sent me the most amazing video of E today. My heart swelled with love and appreciation. I was just so happy that she sent me a video of E so that I could see how well she is learning. I
had a proud mommy moment watching that 2 minute video and I can't stop smiling. 

Recently my daycare provider told R and I that there was a new learning tool she was going to start with the kids. There are flash cards with an animals in the shape of the letter on each card and each animal has a sign the kids make that goes along with the sound of the letter. For example, a is for ally the Alligator and the kids make chomping gestures as they say "ah-ah-ah."

I wish I could show you the video because That is exactly what E did from A to O. Her little gestures and sounds were so adorable. She did so good. I am amazed that she knows almost all the sounds of the letters of the alphabet. I owe my daycare a Huge THANK YOU! She has taught E manners, patience, colors, numbers and more. The list is endless. I couldn't be happier with her.

The whole reason I wanted to share this story is not just to brag about how proud I am but because of the conversation E and I had today. 

Mom: E I am so proud of you. You make me so happy. 

E: I know Mom. I'm awesome.

Mom: Oh! Really?

E: Yup. I'm cool too.

Looks like she's got the confidence thing down. 

These are the moments. They are the biggest gift a Mom will ever receive. It's these moments that you hold on to. Luckily I have a video to remind me. 

Enjoy your night every one. 
Keep loving. 

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