Friday, January 22, 2016

The night before (no not Christmas).

Does your morning feel like a game of speed as you shower, dress, pack lunches, the diaper bag, warm up the car, wake up the kids? Oh and don't forget coffee so can you stay awake all day. Or is it such a rush you forget things and really don't know what your morning is like, you're just happy if you make it out the door by 7:30? If you say yes to any of these I'm here to tell you: you are not alone.

However your morning goes I'm hear to tell you there is hope! It is called: the night before. 

Both my husband and I have been working full time since our now 3 year old turned 1. After forgetting to pack essentials for our days away from home I've learned a few things. First of all, without preparation I'd surely continue to rush out the door and leave behind a shoe, lunch or worse. (no one is perfect and occasionally I forget to pack salad dressing or a fork for R.) I can chuckle now knowing my husband has creativity to figure out how he will shovel in his food, even if it means using a cup for a spoon.

When I started setting aside time the night before for things that I would normally do in the morning I felt a huge change. I wasn't rushed or stressed as I grabbed my purse and Es hand to go out the door. 

Here is my list of everything you can do the night before: 

  • Set out your outfit and Moms: decide what you want to do with you hair.
  • Pack lunch. Time saver alert: If there is leftovers from dinner pack those for lunch the next day. 
  • Pack the diaper bag with extra diapers, outfit and appropriate attire for the current weather.
  • Put diaper bag, winter wear, etc. by the front door. Not in the kids room, laundry room or other random place where you will have to go searching.
  • If you are like me and carry your half awake child to the car throw their shoes/boots in the bag too.
  • Pack your bag with anything you'll need through out your work day. I always put my most recent craft project in just in case. I never know when I will have a spare minute on my lunch break to crochet or loom. 
  • Set out your coffee/tea mug. 

  • Get the sippy cup and snack ready. I decided to pre-pour juice and or milk into a sippy cup and leave it in the fridge so it would be ready to go too. I put a healthy snack in a ziploc bag for E too. 2 more things I don't have to do in the morning. 
With all of these things to do no wonder why we're always running out the door late. But, I'm not a huge fan of late or running so that's why I do them the night before. I hope they help you're morning routine. If you have anything to add to the list I know a lot of career Mom and Dad's would appreciate the advice.

Until next time.

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