Tuesday, July 7, 2015

4 Summer Things

There are 4 things I am particularly excited about this Summer. Naturally these things are the same 4 things that have been consuming a lot of my focus and time.

1. Back porch flowers. I was beginning to think that a green thumb is just something I would never have. Until my sister (#3) moved in just down the street and started giving me leaves off her plants to root in water. All of a sudden I look around and I have vines here, a tree there and a leafy plant on my kitchen table. Recently, R and I re-purposed wooden drawers and made them into planters filled with bright pink and orange flowers. I am totally in love with how they turned on them.

watering flowers, vines, plant life, caring for plants, porch garden, garden
My niece watering the vines.

Last weekend E helped me plant sunflower seeds in a pot that are now pushing up green leaves. Sunflowers are my favorite flower and I can't wait to see their bright yellow faces. My back porch is my favorite place now. I love that my sister appreciates it as much as I do. Looking at the flowers makes me happy. I do have a green thumb. It just took a little  while to blossom.

watering flowers, flower pots, porch garden, grand haven, mi
E using a teacup to water the flowers.

2. Texas family. That is the name I've given R's Mom and her husband Ron. They are here. In Michigan. To stay. The move happened so quickly and I'm glad that it did. We thought we had to wait til August for their visit but instead they arrived in June and are here to stay.

grand river, grand haven, river, pure michigan

I'm excited to share yarn with my MIL and to go shopping and make memories. I don't know what it is about E and Grandmas but she loves them both so much. Watching E and her "gamma" rekindle their playful, fun relationship has been a real treat so far.

3. Crafting. I am still crocheting. I thought with the Summer heat I would put my yarn away and do something else...not sure what because I love love love yarn! I just finished a cowl and I am almost done with another one. I can't get enough of these soft chunky yarns that my MIL brought back with her. I'll be sharing my handmade things on Loop de loo this Fall.

crochet, crochet cowl, michigan made, made in grand haven, mi
A gray and black cowl in progress. 
Crocheting outdoors is even better than crocheting inside.

4.  SM. aka social media is my life. And I do enjoy the different platforms that consume my attention on a daily basis. Instagram has been my favorite of the many but just recently I began promoting MIG on it and have found some really great small businesses and talented people in Michigan.

When I scroll through my Facebook news feed it is always in search of shareable content. I rarely hop on Facebook to waste time. It feels to much like work. I log on here and there to keep up with friends and family but that's about it.

This Summer is going to be a good one. I think there are good times in store for us. I can't wait to experience it.

Keep Loving.

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