Saturday, August 8, 2015

Potty progress

I can finally say we've got a handle on this potty training stuff. I didn't say she is potty trained, all though we are almost there, all parties involved in the process are helping the littlest member off the group learn that we go potty on the big girl potty.

There was a month span that I went through this "I can't" phase. I kept thinking I don't know how to potty train. I can't force her into this and traumatize her. I can do diapers, I can't do this. I kept saying that we work to much and don't spend enough time with her to get a good process going or we can't do all the soiled laundry everyday because we live in an apartment. (excuses, excuses, right?)

Eventually we just took the diaper off. Like ripping off the band-aid. The best advice I received came from a fellow Mom friend who just went through potty training her daughter. She said, "Ask her if she has to go potty all the time. You'll get sick of hearing yourself say it but keep asking her." So we did. And we still do. And it works.

We also say, "tell us if you have to go potty," a lot. I can excitedly say she has been telling us when she has to go for about 2 weeks now. That was a big hurdle too. Now we know that she knows when she has to go. 

There's been some accidents, something I was once scared of. But, those wipes we use so many of, they still come in handy for cleaning up accidents.

Now I look back and realize all of my reasons for not pushing the potty training were because I was scared and worried. I was worried that I'd fail at potty training my toddler. I don't really know how that could've happened but I was worried about it.

There is also the pressure that comes from the rest of the world that makes you think you're not potty training soon enough or doing it the right way. Once I let go of the fear the fear of failure and stopped worrying about what others were doing the whole processes was less stressful.

I have to give a big THANK YOU to my daycare provider. We are so fortunate to have her help every day with E. Without the consistent help and her willingness to start doing panties all day I know E wouldn't be even close to potty trained. Thank you again!

Celebrating going potty. Hooray!

I don't have a teaching degree but teaching is something that just comes along with being a Mom. And with teaching my daughter things patience and small victories are so important. It's important to make a big deal out of very tinkle on the big girl potty. 

Until next time, keep loving. 

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