Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Disc Golf Babes

I wanted to add this to my list of playground adventures but there was no playground. I doubt the girls noticed because they still had fun and it was still an adventure.

Over the last year R has really gotten into disc golfing. It's something he does with my younger brother. He started collecting discs last Spring and then for Christmas a disc golf bag was waiting under the tree. They go every chance they get. Even if it means playing half the course as the sun sets. It's definitely disc golf season again. I love that he has a hobby and that it is something he does with my brother. 

Last weekend R decided he was going discin' and I knew my sister and her little one were going too. All of a sudden I wondered why E and I weren't going. So as R made his normal rush through the apartment to jump out of work clothes and into play clothes, as he usually does when he goes discin', I packed a bag and we ran out the door.   

The girls were so adorable to watch and photograph. We saw a frog, flowers and E kept running from a bear (that wasn't really there).

They tried their best to through discs and we cheered for them.

The Lakeshore Disc Golf course is nice. I loved the little bridges! (They kept our feet dry!)

TGFS - Thank God For Snacks! Toddlers can't go anywhere without them.

There was a lot to see out in the woods. 

E loved the trails and walked until she couldn't walk anymore.

My sister and P. 

Daddy and E taking a drink break.

Tired girl hitching a ride by Dad.

My favorite photo of the day. I wonder what they were talking about...

E liked sitting on the benches to take a break.

Minus a wet diaper blow out and a couple tears it was definitely a day well spent. 

Keep Loving.

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