Monday, October 13, 2014

My silly, goofy, fun toddler.

Sunday, October 12, 2014- E's very first visit to pick pumpkins at a pumpkin patch. We've never picked out our own pumpkins right off the vine before. So a first for us too!  E couldn't stop saying "punkin mama, punkin." Everything she says ends with mama, which sound more like muma. I don't mind hearing it one bit.

Today E started singing wine the pooh as Daddy was holding her giant "pooh bee" while doing squats. E thought it was pretty neat and couldn't help but sing as Pooh went up and down, up and down.

This kid is so funny! I got a good laugh in tonight as she pulled her purple leopard print pj pants up over her buddha belly. I just couldn't stop laughing at how her belly actually held up her pants. This is one of the first times she realized she was funny and kept walking around the apartment with her paints almost up to her chin. Yes, I just kept laughing.

It's always these times late at night, when the apartment is quiet and the lights are dim that I reflect on the little moments and feel so lucky to have, share and witness the silly, goofy, fun toddler we are raising. Not all moments make you feel lucky. But, when they do...they really do!

I'm going to keep it short and sweet tonight. I'm trying to get back on track with splitting my time between being a Mom, being a wife, being a creative administrator and just being me. Me time is up...It's wife time now. We're going to settle onto the comfy couch and watch Arrow. (I know, we're nerds.) 

Keep Loving!

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