Monday, November 24, 2014

Holiday bucket list

Yes, I have a  holiday bucket list! It's rather short. The way I look at it is: the fewer items, the more chances I have of accomplishing those items. I hope that sounds optimistic because I am optimistic about my holiday bucket list. It is the holidays after all.

1. Send Christmas cards. I want to send Christmas cards this year! I love receiving mail so I know those that will receive my mail, especially Christmas cards will love it too. Plus, I got a great deal on this year. I'm excited to hop online to design my holiday cards, address and stamp each envelope and put them in the mail.

2. See my Grandparents.  I haven't seen my Grandparents since this summer, minus a surprise visit from my Grandma at work a couple weeks ago. I need need need to go visit them. As my Mother reminded me yesterday, "they're getting up there (in age). It's very important you see them." She's right. Plus, I really enjoy spending time with them. It will be nice to see them for the holidays.

3. Make handmade gifts. I made all the gifts I gave last year and really enjoyed seeing everyone's responses to the gifts. Yes, they were all good responses. I think my family enjoys receiving homemade gifts. If not...too bad! That's what they're getting. ;)

4. Donate time. I started going to church again. My sister invited me a couple weeks ago and it just felt like the right time to go. And the church, the people and the message delivered each Sunday feels right too. I want to donate time to the community this year. I am excited to help others!

5. Be happy and healthy. With all the crazy, sad and unbelievable things that happen in the world I will be more than satisfied and greatful with a happy and healthy family this year. :)

What is on your agenda for the holidays? Do you currently have a bucket list? If so, what is on it? I'm curious to know.

Keep Loving.

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