The only word I can find to explain my almost 2 year old's current stage is: awesome. Every day is a surprise. Every day she shows me something new she has learned. Every day she does something to amaze me. Is it just because I love her so much that I think she is so amazing? Because I'm pretty sure we have a rock star in the making here.
For instance:
They other day she walked over to her toys, picks up a book, Where are my shoes? Featuring baby bop, her favorite at the moment and mumbled gibberish as she flipped through pages. When she flipped the last page she said: "I found my shoes." Just as I have said reading the book to her way too many times. Then she said, "the end," and closed the book.
The way kids learn is awesome.
Playing with Littlest Pet Shops
on the kitchen floor.
We were in the car yesterday and she started naming people. The list didn't stop. She named all of my siblings, her cousins and more. She loves her family. All of them. Aunt "Cheena," "Tacey," "Kistal," "Keisha," cousin "pooker," and "Penny."...The list goes on. I smiled and realized she loves so many people and has so many great people in her life that love her too. It's amazing.
This morning, for the first time ever E refused to get dressed. "No shirt, no shirt," she said, refusing to get dressed. I had a split second internal struggle as I knew I was going to either drop her off at daycare naked or get into a fight with my toddler. 7:20 AM is to early for a mommy toddler fight, which, thankfully, didn't happen. A brilliant thought popped into my head and I let her pick out her own shirt. She was so excited to pick a shirt she couldn't get her little arms into it fast enough.
Maybe we have a diva in the making.
It's been about a two weeks since R heroically got us back on a good schedule in the evenings. He also weened Edee from the bottle. The transition was a lot easier when we switched to a sippy cup for a short time and then she didn't even want that. These changes have improved our evenings and nights 110%. We all sleep through the night and are just happier all together. A good night's rest sure does a lot for your sanity and energy levels.
E is a completely different kid when she is well rested too. She plays nicer, listens better and has more patience too. A couple weeks ago we were struggling with her tantrums and fits, which still happen but on a smaller scale, now we prepare her by talking to her and telling her in advance what our plans are and she is okay with the change.
Raising E has been such a treat so far. I can't wait for more awesome things to come.
Keep Loving
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