I have to be honest, not every moment is a shining, perfect moment. Reminder: E is less than 3 months away from being a 2 year old. My hair is slowly turning gray as she pushes buttons I didn't know I had. For instance, today, we spent the afternoon downtown Grand Haven with R's Mom and her husband. They are in town for a week from Texas. We are all thrilled to spend some quality time with them. Even M said, "I am SO glad Grandma is here!"
The afternoon was relaxing, food was great and dessert was delicious. We really just enjoyed the simplicity of being downtown. We spent time at Mackinaw Kite Company where every single one of us found a toy to play with. Such a treat to hangout together. E didn't even fuss when it was time to go. But, try to get her into her carseat and one might think a stranger was trying to drive her home. (I think I saw strangers looking. EEK!) Scream, kick, punch, flail and 2 minutes later E and I are both in tears. It just breaks my heart when she cries because she can't do whatever she has her mind set on. I wonder if she just doesn't understand. It was a little too much for me. Plus, I'm a sap.
Sometimes I struggle to reprimand her and other days I don't have a problem tucking her under my arm with her legs just a kicking. I am still learning to pick the battles with her. Some just aren't worth listening to the tantrums. Another example: 1. Eating marshmallows. One isn't going to hurt because we all need a little sweet in our life. 2. Brushing teeth? It's a must. Especially after a marshmallow. ;)
We are still trying to find the right path to take on how we will discipline E. With her current 2 year old tantrums and stubborn ways I want to set rules now. But, I know she is still so small. Or maybe I'm just telling myself that. I guess we will just figure it out as we go.
This tired, frazzled mama is ready to take on a new day of surprises from our growing girls.
Any terrible two stories or advice? I am happy to hear it.
Enjoy your weekend.
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