Friday, October 7, 2022

7 Things on The 7th of October

 1. 11 years

Today I celebrate 11 years of marriage to my man. 11! Last week I was shocked that E is 10 and now I am shocked all over again that it's already been 11 years since we said I do. The way time seems to disappear makes me want to hold on to every single moment that much tighter. This year we plan to celebrate with dinner together; simple and just what we love: time together. 

2. Curly Hair

We had a break through with Edee's hair that feels revolutionary! After my sister recommended using some sort of product for curly hair I turned to my curly haired friend and asked her for recommendations. Introducing Cake the The Curl Friend, some very useful tips on how to manage curly hair (something I've never had to do) and ta da! No more fights, yelling or upset child. I was excited to find the hair product on sale at Rite Aid, which was cheaper than Amazon's price. Woohoo! I also grabbed some mousse and my curly haired friend gave us leave in conditioner. E is going to be all set.

3. Ugly Love

I just finished my 14th book of the year - Ugly Love by Colleen Hoover. Yes, I am a fan! I just added this book to my top 5 favorites list! I highly recommend the book. I read it in less than a week, which is a new record for me. Most of the time I am the caboose in my Book Club, finishing the book last but this book, which I read outside of the club with a friend (my curly haired friend in fact) was so good; the words, the descriptions, the story line, the ending - all of it. I finished it in less than a week.

4.  Speaking of book club...

I love love love my book club or as we call it The Mama's Reading Club. I enjoy the chatter about books, the food we share, our discussions and also catching up with the ladies on life stuff. I also really like that some of us are reading even more books than we ever have before. The more we read, the more we want to read. It's amazing! 

5. My Crochet World

I am currently on a yarn buying hiatus. I have limited myself to using only the yarn I have. I say 'limited' but honestly, it's been rather inspiring and freeing to choose from the colors and weights I have at home. Plus, I am saving money. During this hiatus I have found a love for creating book cozies. Each one turns out different, which makes them one of a kind! It's so much fun selecting each color, crocheting them together and watching the cozy come to life. I think in some ways it's an art form.

6. Work-a-versary

Yesterday I celebrated 9 years at Michigan Insurance Group & Strategic Consulting with my team. We had Panera (still my favorite) but today is my official anniversary. Again, looking back, time seems to disappear. I am enjoying my job still, probably because every day is new. Learning new things about myself, the team and the industries. It keeps things interesting and I am never bored! 

7. October

October is my favorite month. It's full of celebrations, if you couldn't tell! And change. The biggest change is the seasons. My drive to work is changed because of the rainbow of colors along the highway. The yellows, oranges and reds are glorious and at 5:00 the colors beam. It's truly a sight to see. Anniversaries and birthdays are reminders to reflect on how far we've come, how much we've grown. It is a perfect reminder of how lucky we are to have what we have.  

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