Tuesday, November 19, 2019

October Memories

Wow! October sure was a treat. I'm partially sarcastic in that statement. We spent part of the month trudging through difficulties and part of the month making sweet sweet memories. 

I'll be honest, this month was far from perfect. It's my absolute favorite time of year and I craved that dreamy fall oasis and color tour feels that just didn't happen. 
I wanted to sneak up North on a mini getaway, as we traditionally do this time of year, but that didn't happen.

On the other hand I have a whole 31 days to look back on. 31 days that had special moments, hidden between the chaos, that I'd much rather share with you.

On October 2nd Edee turned 7! Yes, holy guacamole my favorite girl has been on this planet and blowing our minds for 7 years. She has grown into such a well spoken (sometimes a bit snotty) little girl. Her wits and creativity surprise me daily. This month she most looked forward to her Halloween party at school and has asked me every day this week, "How many days until we dress up?" 

She's gone from loving Pikachu to Barbie to Toy Story 4. Keeping with the Halloween spirit she watched Goosebumps on repeat. She's soaring in school above and beyond. I couldn't be more proud. She's also grown in the making friends area too, something she has struggled with since school started.

My second favorite memory in October, or maybe the first, that I hope to never forget is waking up on the morning of our 8th wedding anniversary to find my kitchen table set up like a fancy little restaurant. I stood in the kitchen my heart flooded with love and happiness so surprised at Ryan's creativity. The flowers, wine, fondue and 'Reserved' card was such a thoughtful, simple, beautiful surprise. I am so thankful for the value and commitment he places on celebrating our life and love.


Making homemade caramel apples and Pikachu cupcakes together are two fun and tasty things we did in October. We were lucky to carve pumpkins with Maddi and her boyfriend too. Carving pumpkins with teens is so funny. The jack-o-lanterns turned out neat. Plus, we at roasted pumpkin seeds for weeks.

I found I made some small accomplishments in October too. I received a new wholesale order for Maiden Hands that included items I've never sold in stores before. I also dropped off beanies to Michigan Pantry, making it the very first store to carry my crocheted hats. I'm still over the moon excited about it. 

I've also opened a new door in the maker world with digital downloads to help makers manage their stock, supplies, orders and social media. I've been working on this for almost a year, wanting to help makers while utilizing my graphic design skills. It has been an awesome journey so far!

My October unfolded in a different way than what I imagined it would but reflecting makes me appreciate the steps we've gone through to welcome a new month. I appreciate all the little moments knowing life doesn't have to be extravagant to be filled with love and joy.

I could continue but, here I am 19 days into November and slightly behind on sharing my October memories. 

Keep Loving. XO

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