My little human is outstanding. And that's putting it lightly.
I've always heard parents describe their kids as, "13 going on 30," or "she's 5 but she talks like she's 15." I totally know what them mean now. E is 4 going on 14. When I say that I don't mean in the know it all, bratty kind of way. I mean in the creative, smart, huge vocabulary kind of way. One morning earlier this week, before cereal or a bath she grabbed her markers and paper and sat at the table and drew a picture of herself at school. She loves making paper books and drawing the story inside them.
She thinks up the most adventurous ways to play. Magic Show, Zoo and building a Shopkins marketplace are three of her favorites. She also loves playing with her "neighbor friends" and most days her and her cousin Penny are two peas in a pod.
Some days she's such a spitfire. She knows exactly what she wants and is determined to get it. Some of you have heard of the story about "the kitty with the big head and little body and big tail." When we left this fuzzy stuffed animal at the store and didn't take it home with us I felt like I was abandoning a real live cat. The sadness on Es face and loneliness in her voice made me feel like we just left a kitty alone in a card board box. That same kitty arrived on Easter morning. She carried it around with her for days. I try my best to not let her have her way every time and somehow bring her the things she really really wants as a gift or reward.
E still reminds me so much of all the stories I've been told of her fathers childhood and my own. Sometimes she is sensitive just like me and the word 'No' breaks her heart. Yet, sometimes I swear she hears 'No' and she thinks 'challenge.' It's these times that a timeout doesn't phase her.
We've got our hands full in so many ways. But it's a good full. The challenges she puts us up to make me a better person. I'm always striving to have patience, give her more attention and appreciate the simple things.
I think that's got to be one of the most miraculous things about being a Mom. You can be as exhausted and worn out but you still have the utmost love for your little human(s). The future is just as miraculous. You can try to imagine as much as you possibly can but until you're there you have no idea. Motherhood and the future as the most precious gifts.
Keep Loving.
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