Tuesday, September 13, 2016

To the Moms of Toddlers

The other night I was walking back to my bedroom for the 10th time in an hour thinking about how my toddler is so tiring. I'm sure my shoulders were slumped and I probably looked like I lost my marbles somewhere along the way. E was trying to relax for the evening but needed a sip of water, to go potty and kept hollering down the hallway, "I'm hungry." "I'm starving," "It's too dark," "Can I have a toy?" I have to hand it to her on the persistence. This girl doesn't give up. I said to R, "I want the other E back." That sweet, quiet, simple pre-toddler girl. I just realized today how awful that sounds. How mean of me, right? My tired legs and brain make me forget there are so many things to be thankful for with this E. The tiredness and lack of patience got the best of me again. So just in case you're feeling defeated and need a pick me up or for next time the demands of raising a toddler get the best of you remember:

When they put their little hands on your face to bring you closer, to whisper secrets in your ear it warms your heart. Doesn't it make you forget all the problems of the world. Remember these moments are gone in seconds and those hands wont be this small forever.

Arguing over mismatches shoes is just not worth ruining 
a trip to Wesco for popcorn and bug juice. 

When they say 'I love you' in that tiny voice it melts your heart. They love you unconditionally and always will.

When they go potty all by themselves. When they have a night without an accident. These are big accomplishments for them but aren't they big accomplishments for you too?

When they sing to the songs on the radio really loud even though they don't know the words it makes you want to dance and tap the steering wheel. Doesn't it make you feel free and relaxed?

You have this little people to shape into a wonderful human being. You have them to thank for making you want to be a better, more patient person. They are shaping you too. 

Remember the next time you count to 3 and they don't move fast enough that maybe they are trying to get you to slow down. 

Remember they are small but they have all the possibilities in the world ahead of them. 

My lack of patience and the things I do and say always catch up to me as I kiss E good bye, for another 8 hour day away from her. I'm not perfect. I continue to try to improve every day. I will use this list as a reminder when a long day gets the best of me and hope all the Moms of toddlers will find it helpful too.

Keep loving.

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