Text from sister: already stressed out and it is just 7am :( Baby girl was up all night puking. Poor baby girl. I think I need to cancel my party tonight? What do you think? Also I have no one to open at work at 8:30...
Her next message: Lol should I laugh or scream and cry?
I respond: Laugh. Life is too short.
As I make my way to work in the pouring rain I think about my response.
How can I say laugh? It's not funny. It's not funny at all that she just spent the night taking care of a puking child and lost several hours of sleep and now is stressed to the max because she has to scramble to find a sitter and someone to cover at work. I feel for my sister and now I feel rather insensitive for responding that way, especially because the night before all I wanted to do was cry (a story for another time).
A couple weeks back I spent the weekend running around with a puke bowl just waiting for E to lose the last sip of juice she drank. As if puke on the carpet or a blanket is life threatening but my nerves force me to jump at her every move. 6 hours of toddler flu left me feeling completely drained. E however was right as rain after a 3 hour nap. I am pretty sure I bolted to a craft store and walked up and down every aisle just to calm my nerves.
Maybe my response was: Laugh. Life is short, because it was morning, a brand new day and even though it was raining I felt my sister needed a little bit of positive after a night like that. But it's true. Life is too short. Too short to worry. Too short to fear. Too short to fret.
You take one think at a time and help your little one get through the sickness. If you don't get to collapse at the end of the day you at least deserve a HUGE high five! All moms deserve high fives. Even though we don't play intense sports, receive high honors or awards we are setting records every day. That load of laundry you managed to do between chasing a toddler, mopping the floor and feeding the family dog is an accomplishment. Celebrate!
It's amazing what we do as Moms. We are amazing. You are amazing. And the next time you wake up for your toddler remember you are amazing. You got this!
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