Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Pentwater Homecoming 2015

Homecoming is always on my Things to do this Summer list. This year it came in a different sort of way and turned out much different than what I thought it would. Unfortunately R couldn't join us as we hoped but M was there! I think what turned out to be a girls weekend also turned out to be fun a lot of fun for the girls.

We started our weekend in Pentwater with a stop at Hill and Hollow Campground to see Grammie. This also involved playing at the playground because who could avoid a huge sand hill?

Setting up the kids tents (just to play in.)

We walked the pier to get to Lake Mochigan. 
E was a trooper and walked most of the way there.

Saturday was perfect weather for a day at the beach. 
Mom of the year over here forget Es swim suit 
(so she went swimming in her undies...oops).

These girls were best buds all weekend. 
M does such a good job at being a big sister. 

After a long day of playing and fun E found a comfy 
spot for her afternoon nap. She slept until the fire trucks arrived. 

Our littlest Michigan State Fan with 
our BIGGEST Michigan State Fan.

There is something about the Homecoming Parade in Pentwater that makes me smile. Maybe it's the memories of seeing it every year. The veterans, the local shops, Pentwater Popcorn, The Michigan State guy on his bicycle, Mrs. asparagus, tennis balls, mardi gra beads and catching candy! I have always loved the parade and it makes me happy that I can share one of my favorite childhood memories with the girls. 

Fireworks were watches from a dock instead of at our normal beach spot. 
It save us a couple blocks of walking and we missed out on the traffic too.

Sunday morning coffee by the fire. I totally fell in love with this butterfly coffee mug that I found in the cupboards at my Mom's. Sitting there enjoying the peace and quiet I saw a mama deer and her two fawns walk through the woods about 20 feet away. The morning was a peaceful way to start the last day of our homecoming weekend.

Next year we'll make a holiday of it. Camp at Hill and Hollow, see the sand castles, walk in the cake walk and maybe even take part in the big photo shoot.

I look forward to next Homecoming and making more Pentwater memories with my girls (and hopefully R too).

Until next time, keep loving.

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