Friday, March 6, 2015

It's all such an adventure

I kind of panicked a little and was kind of sad when I checked the last time I wrote. December. December?? Seriously. What happened? That right there is proof that time just flew right by me. I can't believe in the last 2 months I haven't sat down to write. Okay, I can believe it. Between 40 hours of work, commuting to and from, getting house chores down...I haven't squeezed in 5 minutes to tell you is good.

I have so many things in progress that I am excited about.

I have been writing a blog for Michigan Insurance Group. Find it here.

A few of my sisters have joined in helping me put our handmade creations out into the world. We work on projects and share them on our Facebook Page. Find that here. It's just a hobby but I love sharing it with others and hope others can enjoy our creations too. So my crocheting creations have been keeping me busy or should I say distracted? I usually get in a row or two commuting to or from work because R drives.

Yes, that's another thing. We not only share a child, a bed, an apartment, a car, auto insurance and a cell phone but our job too. Our lives are rather involved can you tell? But, I just keep in mind that it's temporary. Even though we spend a lot of time together it's mostly spent hustling and bustling to get things done. I know someday I will look back on these days and smile.

E and M are growing like weeds. Pretty weeds! ;) E says new things every day. Which, sometimes surprise me, sometimes scare me and sometimes make me laugh until I cry. Like when she sings Ol Mc Donald. M is doing science projects about rotting food and getting straight A's. She played on her first basketball team and had a great time!

We are still so very excited to see what the future holds for us. We can't wait until the new Grand Haven location opens for work and the many opportunities that await us. We can't wait to have a home. I can't wait to decorate our home. :) It's all such an adventure.

I hope you are having many adventures too. Happy Friday!

Keep Loving.

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